
Favorite Books

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 9 months ago

Watership Down by Richard Adams is a classic. Always makes me cry at the end.

- Christa


Godstalk by P.J Hodgell. It's so unique among fantasy novels. The voice of the heroine is fun, and her situation so dire,her culture so restricted, and much of her memory is missing. And she is trying to be honorable, in the most un-honrable profession...On top of the cool heroine, it's not the typical fantasy, by a long shot. Not built on celtic, arthurian, medieval, etc. mythic bones. Very interesting.- Cathy


Just a couple of recent reads: The River of Doubt: Theodore Roosevelt's Darkest Journey, by Candice Millard. It's a gripping account of Roosevelt's adventure in exploring a tributary of the Amazon. He was one of a kind.

And another: The Center Cannot Hold: My Journey Through Madness, by Elyn R. Saks. Saks is a professor law and psychiatry at the University of Southern California - a position she arrived at constantly battling schizophrenia and psychotic episodes, while trying to get off medication and not concede to her mental illness. It certainly gives one new insights into the world of the mentally ill. - Marty



Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace . . . One School at a Time by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Reli is a developing as a new favorite of mine (I'm currently reading it). It's a great antidote to the news about the "War on Terror". - Julie


Some recent books listened to on MP3 (that counts, yes?: T is for Trespass, Sue Grafton's latest Kinsey Milhone mystery. These are reliably entertaining and the narrator is really good. I am currently listening to World Without End, Ken Follet's sequel to Pillars of the Earth, which is one of my all time favorite books. I'm not really a fan of his thrillers but these two historical novels are wonderful. For actual eyeball reading, I recently read Dreams from my Father by Barack Obama. It was written in 1995, long before he became a senator.

Whatever your political leanings this is a fascinating account of Obama's growing up and struggle to find himself - Beth


Well all of the Jane Austen novels are favorites of mine, as well as Richard Russo novels. I do like a few fiction titles. Mountains Beyond Mountains, I thought was excellent and continues to be a favorite. I have some other oddities like The Innocent Anthropologist: Notes from a Mud Hut. For some reason that book has been a continuous favorite of mine for many years. - Shannon


Harry Potter --- all of 'em. - Lisa

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